A red Unitrans bus waits at the bus stop with a message on the marquee that reads "I ♡ UC Davis!"
Aggies in Love

Celebrating stories of love, friendship and passion

Career Resources

Job Search Tools

Handshake is a one-stop shop for students and alumni searching for internships, part-time jobs and career positions. Alumni looking to hire other Aggies can post jobs, arrange on-campus interviews, register for career fairs or take advantage of the Career Center's alumni benefits.

Resource Guides

Career Coaching

Cal Aggie Alumni Association, Aggie Parent and Family Association, Student Alumni Association and Retiree Center members receive discounted career services through partnered career coaches. Visit the Career Coaches and Services Directory for more information. To learn more about membership, visit our membership page here

The Complete Career Masterclass Collection

Cal Aggie Alumni Association, Aggie Parent and Family Association, Retiree Association, and Emeriti Association members can receive free access to a library of the most advanced job search techniques. Learn more about this member benefit here or join now to become a member!

UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Courses

Cal Aggie Alumni Association members are eligible for a 10% discount, up to $100, on the course fee. For complete details, click here. To become a CAAA member, visit our membership page here