Event Date
Incoming students, their families and alumni are invited to join us at Singapore Aggies Connect 2019! This event will provide incoming parents and students a chance to meet other Aggie families from Singapore and meet alumni who can share their own UC Davis experiences.
Aggies Connect 2019
Friday, August 16
6:30- 9 p.m.
Seattle Pike Chowder (map)
1 Raffles Place, #B1-28/29 One Raffles Place
We thank you for registering to attend as space is limited. This event is hosted by alumni and current students. Alumni and Current students will be charged $25 per person at the door.
Please join our Aggies in Singapore Facebook Group to receive timely news and invitations to alumni events in Singapore.
Alumni and student events are created to help you stay connected to UC Davis. For more information about the Cal Aggie Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Association, please visit our website and Facebook page.
If you have any questions, please email us.