CAAA Annual Network and Partner Registration

Main CAAA Point of Contact Within Network
This is the leader CAAA will communicate most directly with, it could be the president, chair, or just the leader who CAAA should connect with first for questions about network happenings.
Secondary CAAA Point of Contact within Network
Third CAAA Point of Contact within Network
List first and last name along with email. As a reminder there should be a minimum of three volunteer leaders to reach network status. Alumni supporters should maintain at least one active volunteer. Within your list, you should identify a representative to sit on a committee of the CAAA Board of Directors.
List first and last name along with email.
Enter in your Statement of Purpose above or your bylaws below. Add a short Statement of purpose above if attaching bylaws.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Include a list of events and activities you've accomplished over the last year.
Include a list of events and activities you've accomplished over the last year.
The Planned Activities section should include forcasted events for the next fiscal year (July - June). Estimate approximately when you will host events (e.g. Career Networking October or Basketball Watch Party Winter Quarter). Events added here will be used to understand CAAA staff capacity and event programming. Add events here even if it's an estimate. For network budgets, networks need to plan from one from each of the event pillars (Aggie Pride, Volunteerism, Careers and Educational) while supporters have a minimum of one event per year to remain active.
The Planned Activities section should include forcasted events for the next fiscal year (July - June). Estimate approximately when you will host events (e.g. Career Networking October or Basketball Watch Party Winter Quarter).
The Planned Activities section should include forcasted events for the next fiscal year (July - June). Estimate approximately when you will host events (e.g. Career Networking October or Basketball Watch Party Winter Quarter).
Using your section on Planned Activites for the Year, estimate the cost for each event. You can base numbers from prior events or work with your CAAA Liaison to estimate production costs. You should estimate costs during the year so that the network and CAAA can collaborate on production needs. Only estimate expenses for the fiscal year (July 2021 - June 2022).
Describe a way that your network will give back to UC Davis. This can be through Give Day or our scholarship program. Work with your CAAA liaison on proposed ways for giving back.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions is required for leaders to stay complient with data confidentiality and the UC Davis Principles of Community. Registration is complete once the form has been completed by the main contacts and network leaders. This form takes a few minutes to fill out and can be found on the terms and conditions form page.