Career Development and Mental Health
Quick Summary
- The college experience is a time for your student to evolve and thrive. However, with the increased responsibilities and independence that students experience as they emerge into adulthood, they inevitably face challenges as well.
The college experience includes a blend of education, social and personal growth. It is a time for your student to evolve and thrive. However, with the increased responsibilities and independence that students experience as they emerge into adulthood, they inevitably face challenges as well. Many students experience mental health issues – often for the first time. As a parent concerned about your student’s education, and successful transition to a career and the independence it can bring, what support can you provide to ensure a happy and healthy outcome?
At the UC Davis Career Center we realize the unique set of challenges and stressors faced by college students today. We are mindful of the pressure career decision-making and the transition to the workforce can bring. We incorporate mental health considerations into our service delivery.
Taking the First Step
Fear and uncertainty are often sources of mental health challenges that emerge during the college years. The Career Center offers numerous ways for students to take gradual steps that build confidence. The added advantage is that, in the process, your student will also make progress toward clarifying their career goals and reduce uncertainty.
Achieving a goal requires thought accompanied by action. The first step is often the hardest. But, once started, with each progression it becomes easier to achieve a goal. The reward is the feeling of accomplishment - a feeling bolsters mental health and well-being. The Career Center has mapped out a career plan for students to get started. The earlier your student starts engaging with their career plan, the more successful they will feel about their future.
Career Advising – We recommend that the first step your student take is to become familiar with Career Center services and, most importantly, make an appointment with one of our talented, caring career advisors. Career advisors play a significant role in supporting your student’s mental health by assisting them in finding opportunities that align with their skills and interests, and by providing resources to help them manage stress and, ultimately the transition to the workforce.
Research Careers/Self Exploration - The career discovery process allows your student to explore various industries, roles, and opportunities to gain insight into potential career paths, thus allowing your student to see past barriers to their success, and create a more confident path forward. The Career Center offers a variety of ways for students to engage in the career discovery journey.
Manage Job Search Stress
Preparing and searching for any type of position or opportunity can be overwhelming. Knowing what to expect and how to navigate situations that may arise can help your student manage their job search stress. Every career path is different and is rarely, if ever, straightforward. This can be challenging, but also very rewarding. The Career Center helps students manage the inevitable ups and downs in the career exploration and job search process.

Below are a few guidelines to help your student with the job search process.
Prepare Materials - Your student’s resume and cover letter should showcase them in the best possible way. A resume should highlight experiences, qualifications, accomplishments and education. While cover letters should showcase personality and show how the position aligns with the applicant’s goals and experience and why they are a good fit for the position.
Networking - Perspective is key! Sometimes talking with others that have experienced the job search before, can give new perspective and renewed energy. Encourage your student to reach out to their mentors, advisors, alumni or others in their community that can offer guidance and support. The Career Center hosts several networking events and career fairs each quarter - this is a great way for them to practice social and networking skills.
Resources - Students don’t have to navigate the job search alone! There are many ways for them to get support in their job search.
- Use Career Center services at every stage of the job search.
- Connect with Student Health and Counseling Services and Aggie Mental Health to support mental health during this stressful process.
- Connect with UC Davis alumni on LinkedIn.
Encourage self-care and prioritizing your student’s mental health! Remind them not to let the job search or any disappointment define their self-worth. Encourage them to take breaks and practice self-care by setting realistic goals, embracing rejection (it happens to us all), build a support system, exercise, eat healthy, and try to enjoy the process by celebrating small wins!
Keep in mind that your student’s mental health and well-being can impact you, so take care of yourself by heeding mindful practices as well!