Parents and Families

In the Know

In the Know is a free monthly e-newsletter full of useful articles that help families connect with UC Davis during their students' undergraduate experience.

Parents automatically receive the newsletter when their students register at UC Davis. Ensure you receive information by updating your email address

2023-2024 Academic Year 

2022-2023 Academic Year 

2021-2022 Academic Year

Select articles from previous In the Know issues are below.

Proud of our UC Davis students and community

Among the many reasons I appreciate UC Davis, is the emphasis the university places on creating an atmosphere where students feel accepted, recognized, and supported. June is Pride Month, and it’s the perfect opportunity to support the UC Davis programs and services you care about—along with helping our community members feel the support and acceptance they deserve.

It’s not too late for 2024 Summer Sessions

UC Davis offers two six-week Summer Sessions, beginning in June and running through September. Registration remains open now for both sessions and closes June 28 for Session I and Aug. 9 for Session II. Enrolling in summer classes saves on tuition and fees paid during the academic year and shortens time to degree completion. Out-of-state and international students pay the same tuition rate as in-state students during the summer. The university offers hundreds of class options from all four undergraduate colleges.

Summer: A Time to Focus on Career Exploration

Summertime is here! There are many ways to make the next 10-12 weeks of break fun, and also productive! With students having more time on their hands, summer is a great time for career exploration like exploring their interests, identifying their skills and researching potential professional development opportunities.

Summer classes provide unique learning opportunities

Students staying in Davis over the summer see a different side of the university. It’s warmer, but quieter, and students can enroll in a wide variety of summer classes during the break from the usual hustle and bustle of bicycles, buses and foot traffic. With over 700 courses offered, participating in UC Davis Summer Sessions allows students access to smaller classes and the option to pursue other opportunities during the academic year. Students can also complete a second major, fulfill a minor, or complete a lab course without having 3-4 other classes to focus on at the same time.

Chancellor’s Fellows work to preserve Chinook salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

The faculty we have here at UC Davis is truly inspirational. And among the most impressive are the Chancellor’s Fellows—early career faculty members recognized for their outstanding research and who carry the chancellor’s imprimatur for five years. Chancellor’s Fellows receive a $25,000 award that helps them advance promising aspects of their current research that they couldn’t otherwise afford to pursue. Often these research projects also provide students with career-building lab experience as well.

Finishing Strong Before Heading Into Summer

The New Student Academic Services unit housed within Student Housing and Dining Services is comprised of Orientation and Residential Academics. Our team is dedicated to supporting your student's transition into and through the first year at UC Davis. There are just a few weeks left in spring quarter and your student’s summer will begin. In last month’s newsletter we discussed your student’s options for summer and factors to consider. If you or your student are still planning for summer, take a look, you might find exactly what you need.

Navigating Your Career Journey: Essential G.O.A.L.S. for UC Davis Students

For many people growing up, the goal is to attend college. It is a major milestone and a goal that can take up a lot of focus. For some, this big goal can make it hard to see past college and look ahead to the many years that will make up a career. Long and potentially varied, some might view ‘career’ as a vast unknown to be dealt with later. However, college goes by quickly, so the start of a career comes up faster than some might expect. If your students find themselves at UC Davis feeling unsure of how to work towards their career goals, here are a few ways to make their G.O.A.L.S. work for them.