Not My Student! A Brief Look at Academic Misconduct

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Not My Student! A Brief Look at Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct occurs for a variety of reasons. According to, research indicates that the top reasons university students engage in cheating are:

  • lack of time or poor time management
  • fear of failure
  • anxiety about grades
  • desire to help classmates
  • academic overload
  • stress

At UC Davis, about 1600 students are referred to the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) for alleged academic misconduct each year, usually for plagiarism, cheating, unauthorized collaboration, or not following directions. You can support your student in avoiding misconduct by ensuring they are aware of policies and helping them manage their stressors.

1. Know the Policies

Encourage your student to read the Code of Academic Conduct and the syllabus for each course. Ask them to check out our Suggestions for Avoiding Academic Misconduct. Too many students are referred for misconduct because they didn’t know that their actions could be considered misconduct. As a student can fail a course for any misconduct, it’s worth taking a few minutes to review our suggestions.

2. Manage Stressors

Students often report feeling significant pressure to maintain a high grade-point average. Sometimes, there is an expectation for them to go into a field of study that doesn’t feel like a good fit for them or to complete their degree quickly to reduce costs. Additionally, stressors such as struggles with roommates or friends, mental health issues, and financial concerns can make it difficult to focus on coursework. These pressures can increase the likelihood a student will give in to the temptation to cheat. Encourage your student to do their best, but also remember that they may be struggling with feelings of inadequacy and discouragement.

3. Use Available Resources

Encourage your student to use the free resources! The Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers (AATC) support students in many areas of study. Services are organized by subject, and have options like one-on-one tutoring by appointment, drop-in tutoring, asynchronous resources, workshops, and co-classes (free classes that provide extra help and instruction for a challenging course). The Writing Support Center assists students with all writing-related tasks. UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services provides short-term counseling services to students and will help student access longer-term counseling services if needed. The Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services provides workshops, success coaching, and learning strategies to help your student succeed. And OSSJA is not just about addressing alleged misconduct. Student Support (Case Management) “…serves the University and individual students by coordinating prevention, intervention, and support efforts across campus and community systems to assist at-risk students and students facing crises, life traumas, and other barriers that impede success.” Here’s a comprehensive list of student resources. Please help your student reach out if they are struggling.

Ultimately, it is up to your student to determine how they will manage the pressures of university academics, but you can help them make good choices. Thank you for supporting them in maintaining their integrity while completing their studies.

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