Connect with a career coach today. A professional career coach can help you create a personalized plan designed to meet your goals. All coaches listed below were vetted by the UC Davis Cal Aggie Alumni Association.
Career coaching services listed here are available at a discount to Cal Aggie Alumni Association, Aggie Parent and Family Association, Student Alumni Association, Retiree Association, and Emeriti Association members. Learn more about membership here.
Career Coaches

Ana Floyd
Institute for Global Listening and Communication
Ana is a Life Development Coach in Communication™, Certified Communication Trainer, and experienced facilitator who has worked with thousands of clients worldwide. Ana is a focused professional, with a skilled, compassionate, open-hearted listening style, capable of listening on several levels to the whole individual.
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Andrea Weiss
Andrea Weiss Career Counseling
Andrea Weiss has over twenty years of experience helping individuals and organizations shape their future. She has assisted thousands of individuals identify and pursue satisfying careers, manage successful career transitions, and take advantage of new career opportunities.
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Brandy DeOrnellas
Life By Design Coaching
Brandy DeOrnellas, PCC, ESQ. is an attorney turned coach who helps others successfully navigate their career aspirations and transitions. Brandy received her JD at Harvard Law School, dual BAs from UC Berkeley, and her coaching certification from UC Davis. She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.
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Christina Dalton
Expanding Your Horizons
Christina Dalton brings to her coaching practice a wealth of experience as she herself has made several successful life and career changing transitions. As a counselor and an educator, she incorporates years of guidance into her coaching practice.
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Charmaign Lomastro
Careers Reimagined
Charmaign Lomastro, a Professional Certified Coach, brings 20+ years of experience in career development, workforce development, higher education and human resources. She supports professionals, at various levels, to accelerate their newfound career direction, discover their strengths, and further develop their skill set.
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Gavan Ambrosini
Ambrosini Consulting Group
An ICF-certified professional coach, Gavan has more than 15+ years’ experience coaching senior level executives and emerging leaders across all sectors on developing leadership and career management strategies for success.
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Inayah Baaqee
Chrysallis Lab Career Consulting
Inayah Baaqee is a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Transformation Coach, and Owner of Chrysallis Lab Career Consulting. As a resume writer, she helps professionals identify their key skills and core values, align their personal brand with their career goals, and confidently maximize their earnings.
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Meghan Murphy
Meghan Murphy Coaching
Meghan is a certified career coach with over 8 years of experience in HR and Recruiting. Having personally experienced the mental health struggles that accompany dissatisfaction at work, her mission is to help as many people as possible find professional purpose.
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Michele Smith
Better Possibilities, LLC
Michele Smith, CEO of Better Possibilities, LLC is a dedicated Leadership Coach with extensive experience coaching individuals across all levels of the organization. She has a passion for helping leaders prepare for the next open door in their career. She has broad experience as a designated leader and change management consultant.
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Phong Vu
Blueprint Career Coaching
Phong has worked with a wide spectrum of clients while partnering with some of the top Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical companies in the world. Phong helps companies mature their professional development and employee engagement programs. He serves his individual clients with career planning, career advancement, and career transitions by helping them find absolute clarity with their vision and values while unlocking their true potential.
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