Spring Break is a Great Time to Pause and Reflect
Quick Summary
- Spring break is a great time to pause and reflect on what the past 6 months have been like for you, and your student.
This article is written by The New Student Programs unit housed within Student Affairs and is comprised of Orientation and First Year Experience. Our team is dedicated to supporting your students transition into and through UC Davis.
This month we are focusing on taking the time to pause and reflect. Your student is two thirds of the way done with the 2024-25 academic year. Spring break is a great time to pause and reflect on what the past 6 months have been like for you, and your student.
It is common to move from one thing to the next without taking time to pause and reflect. As much as this has been a transition for your student, it has also been a transition for you. Have you had a chance to reflect on this transition? Below are some questions to reflect on and think about:
- What has been similar and different than what you expected when your student left for UC Davis?
- What have you learned about yourself during this time?
- What has been helpful in managing your thoughts and feelings through this transition?
- What is one thing that you want to accomplish, for yourself, before the end of this academic year? What is one small step you can take towards that this week?
Give yourself thanks and appreciation for taking the time to pause and reflect. There is a concept by an unknown author which states “slow down to speed up.” When you have a lot on your plate and are constantly in “go” mode, it is hard, and sometimes it feels impossible, to slow down enough to pause and reflect. However, when you take the time to slow down, you may actually find that you get to your goals quicker, the process speeds up. Wherever you are in this life transition, is perfect. Try not to compare yourself with other parents or family members going through a similar transition. Everyone experiences it differently.
If this reflection was helpful, gave you clarity, or just felt good, build time into your schedule to pause and reflect at least once or twice more before the end of this academic year.
In addition to pausing and reflecting for yourself, you can support your student by:
- Encouraging your student to pause and reflect on the past 6 months of their academic and social transition.
- What are they most proud of?
- What is something new they learned about themself?
- What are three ways they “failed”, and what are the gifts of learning they received?
- What internships, jobs, or research are they excited to participate in before the end of their college career?
- What is one thing they want to accomplish by the end of their time at UC Davis not related to their coursework, and what is one small step they can take towards that goal during spring quarter?
- How can your student build time to pause and reflect into their daily, weekly, or monthly routine?
If your student needs assistance they should connect with their FYE Peer Mentor. Peer Mentors are trained on the academic resources at UC Davis and to connect students with the best resource to help with their needs. We are here to help your student succeed!
If your student isn’t sure who their peer mentor is, encourage them to use the online survey linked below to easily locate their FYE Peer Mentor.