Chancellor’s Fellows keep UC Davis research and teaching on the cutting edge

Chancellor's Fellow and Professor David Olson in a lab room with another person.
Chancellor’s Fellow and Professor David Olson is leading the charge at the Institute for Psychedelics and Neurotherapeutics (IPN) to develop novel medicines.

Chancellor’s Fellows keep UC Davis research and teaching on the cutting edge

I’m always impressed and inspired by the faculty we have here at UC Davis. And every year, we get a great reminder of our faculty’s excellence when a new class of Chancellor’s Fellows is named. These early career faculty members are recognized for their outstanding research and will carry the chancellor’s imprimatur for five years. With a cohort of nine fellows for 2023-2024, the program has reached a new milestone, having named 200 fellows since being established in 2000.

The future for all of us will be shaped by new research technologies. That’s why it’s so important to back programs that encourage both creative and scientific exploration, from the initial idea to its final implementation.

Chancellor’s Fellows receive a $25,000 award that helps them advance promising aspects of their current research that they couldn’t otherwise afford to pursue. Often these research projects also provide students with career-building lab experience as well.

So, when we think about the endeavors of our new Chancellor’s Fellows, we can envision the exciting directions their research might go—and how our students will gain from those explorations.

You can learn more about the roster of new Chancellor’s Fellows in this recent story in Dateline, our main campus newsletter.

The UC Davis Parents Fund makes the Chancellor’s Fellows awards possible each year. Please know that your support for the Parents Fund is crucial to advancing UC Davis research and teaching excellence.

Thank you for all you do as a UC Davis parent. Go Ags!

For more information about how parent giving makes a difference in students’ lives, contact Cari DuBois-Wright, Associate Director of Development in Parent Giving, at, 510-388-3605, Cari can help facilitate your giving. You can visit our Parents Fund website here as well as learn more about our Family Fellows.

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